Lead Service Line Inventory and Possible Replacement Notice:
Per Mandate from Illinois EPA, every water provider in the State of Illinois is required to inventory all water services lines that delivers water to residences and businesses within their water district for possible lead lines that are part of the Water distribution system. Lead service lines could have been installed as late as 1986, when they were banned by the federal government. We request that you complete the enclosed survey forms to determine if you have a lead service lines. The Village will be able to apply for grant funding that would cover the cost of replacing any lead service line found.
The Village of Hartford water system is tested regularly and the drinking water is safe and complies with content.
The Village does not inspect service pipes for corrosion but it does use a corrosion inhibitor treatment to reduce the chance of pipe corrosion and any leaching of lead into the water.
Inventorying privately-owned water service lines is the first step toward achieving the goal of replacing any lead service lines found in the Village of Hartford. This is a lengthy process. Please help us work toward our goal by completing the brief survey about the water at your property. If you would like assistance inspecting your water service pipes or completing the survey, please call Village Hall at 618-251-2690. Printed versions of the survey may be emailed to waterclerk@hartfordillinois.net or mailed to Hartford Village Hall 140 W. Hawthorne Ave. Hartford II. 62048, or dropped off at Village Hall. Please return your survey by March 1, 2023.
Fill out the survey below and submit, or print the survey for completion here: