Community Services
The Village of Hartford provides drinking water and modern wastewater disposal services, trash and recycling pickup, police and fire protection, Planning and Zoning departments and economic development tools designed to encourage business and industrial development. The village offers benefits through the Riverbend Enterprise Zone and recently adopted a Tax Increment Financing district to further promote development. With the assistance of the Federal Government, the village installed a million dollar utility improvement to better serve existing and new businesses.
Ameren Illinois provides reliable electric services to the community at a very attractive rate. Ameren Illinois provides safe and economical gas services to Hartford residents and businesses. Ameren Illinois has recently completed a 20 million dollar utility upgrade to provide reliable service to existing and new customers to our region.
Emergency Services:
Hartford Police and Fire Departments respond to 911 emergency response system calls in addition to numerous mutual aid assistance with other local communities and industries.
The Hartford Police Dept. is a 24 hour - seven day a week operation manned with 6 full time officers and a full time clerk. The Department participates in the DARE program with the Hartford Elementary School. In addition, the police department sponsors activities, such as “Field Day” at the end of the school year. The village enjoys a low crime rate thanks to the efforts of this full coverage department. For non-emergencies call 618.254.4393.
The Village of Hartford enjoys the services of a volunteer fire department, consisting of volunteers and a part time fire chief. This energetic group responds to fire and emergency calls and is designated as First Responders. The village fire Insurance Class is a 7 for insurance rating purposes. For non-emergencies call 618.254.4393.
Other Services
Public Works
The village employs 6 full time public works employees, along with seasonal workers. This department not only maintains streets, alleys and public properties, but also provides the community's drinking water and wastewater disposal. This department also provides trash pickup and recycling services. For additional information call 618.251.2691 or 618.251.2690
Trash Pickup and Recycle Schedule
Mondays, Thurdays - west side of town
Tuesdays, Fridays -east side of town
Wednesdays for recycle items pickup
Water, wastewater and trash rates, billed bi-monthly.
Water Residential rates are $20.00 for the first 5,000 gallons.
Over 5,000 gallons the cost is $4.00 per 1000 gallons.
Trash and Recycling rates are $12.00 per bi-monthly billing.
Hartford Sewage Disposal charge - $20.00 for the first 5,000 gallons.
Over 5,000 gallons the cost is $4.00 per 1000 gallons.
Wood River Sewer usage fee-$4.38 per 1000 gallons shall be applied to all users.
Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals
The Village of Hartford governs its own Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals, hearing variance requests, zoning changes, and preparing for Hartford's future. This service provides a smooth and timely process for new or expanding development needs. For additional information call Mayor Bill Robertson at 618.251.2689.
Hartford Public Library
The mission of the Hartford Public Library is to provide for the recreational, educational and informational needs of the community. The library houses a collection of nearly 30,000 items to meet all types of needs. Among the services offered are access to best sellers and other forms of popular reading, summer reading programs for children, public access to the Internet, as well as word processing. The Library hosts the Village of Hartford's Old Fashion Community Christmas in December. Call us at 618.254.9394.
Beautification Committee
Hartford Beautification is a quasi-governmental group that joins together to improve the image of the community. This group of devoted individuals have come together to design and plant over 300 bushes and tress to beautify Hartford's front door. This enthusiastic group marketed trees and bricks to the community to establish a new Memorial Park highlighted by a Williamsburgh Pagoda Gazebo. A beautiful park providing honor to Hartford's finest.
The group rededicated the Veterans Memorial in honor of all those who sacrificed themselves so that we could remain free. The Veterans Memorial pays homage to veterans of all wars with its three flag poles showing respect for country, state, and POW-MIAs.
Hartford Beautification continues to build community spirit with the Annual Halloween Parade, complete with floats, costume judging, and lots of candy. Fun is had by all in this community event. The ghost and ghouls are joined by fire trucks from local communities and industry.
Parks and Activities
Hartford is blessed with great community parks. The village is extremely proud of its 17 acre 7th Street Park providing softball/baseball, soccer, volleyball, basketball, play structure, picnicking, bandstand, shelters, and a walking/jogging path. A great place for family gatherings.
The village is also proud of it's Memorial Park with its memorial bricks, trees, and gazebo built with volunteer labor. A pleasant place to relax.
A mini park is located across the street from the Police Department, providing a quiet spot to sit and enjoy.
The Hartford Community Center
Gymnasium and Cafe available for rent in the weekdays and weekends. For more information call 618.251.2690
Residents - Per Hour
Deposit - $50.00
Gym Charge - $20.00
Cafe Charge - $15.00
Non-Residents - Per Hour
Deposit - $100.00
Gym Charge - $35.00
Cafe Charge - $30.00